If you have any more questions, Contact us through our email, the Contact Us page, or one of our admins on Telegram.


  • What is Kits4beats.com

You can find more info about us on the About Us page but shortly, Kits4Beats.com is an archive and an open community, where people around the world can share music production tools and their files with others.

  • Is Kits4Beats.com safe?

Currently, there are a lot of members who post regularly on the website and we do our best to monitor the shared links. But users can make sure links or files are clean by scanning them through Virustotal.com

  • How can I become a member and share my files?

You can contact us through our email or on telegram to be approved and be able to post on the website.

After you become a member, you are free to post any music production-related content, as long as it’s completely safe.

You also have a responsibility to answer questions or comments on your post including broken links and copyright infringement.

  • How to download ?

Refer to the following short a short guide on how to download files.


  • My files/products have been shared here without my approval!

If you notice that your file is posted here without your knowledge and approval, refer to our DMCA Page (Content Removal Page) and we’ll remove your content.

  • Some of the content here is password-protected. Where do I get the passwords?

Generally, members are required to include any passwords on the posts but the most commonly used passwords are listed HERE.

  • Some of the links in the contents do not work or they are broken

Kits4Beats lets users index resources that are already available on the internet and over time some links might stop working.

If you find a broken link please use the Comment box under the posts to report them to us or join our Telegram #request channel and the website member who posted the content will handle your request.

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