Punkademic The Complete Mixing Masterclass
Punkademic The Complete Mixing Masterclass is the secret weapon of music making that will take your tracks from good to great.
This is the missing link in your production workflow.
Here is a list of some of the topics we will cover:
- The Listening Environment
- Headphone Mixing vs. Studio Monitors
- Preparing a Track for Mixing
- Tuning Instruments
- Grouping Tracks
- Approaches to Mixing
- Subtractive Mixing
- Panning
- Phantom Center
- Phasing
- Working with Frequencies
- The EQ as the Scalpel of Mixing
- Creating Definition with EQ
- The High Pass Filter Trick
- Negotiating the Kick and Bass in the Mix
- Creating Space with Delay Effects
- Creating Space with Reverb Effects
- Reverb Techniques for Vocals, Guitars, and Drums
- Delay Techniques for Vocals, Guitars, and Drums
- Compressors
- Parallel Compression
- Compression Techniques for Vocals, Guitars, and Drums
- Finding the “Focus” of the Track
- The Art in Mixing
- And much, much more!
Check out more Tutorials HERE.
Punkademic The Complete Mixing Masterclass
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