Boom Library Boom Tools Complete Free Download

Boom Library Boom Tools Complete Free Download was developed with the desire to continually open up new sources of inspiration, and unexplored creative paths, and to drastically speed up the sound design workflow in the respective field of application.

Boom Library Boom Tools Complete Free Download
Boom Library Boom Tools Complete Free Download


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Boom Library Boom Tools Complete Free Download will improve your workflow in many ways. Boost your creativity, speed up routines, and automate recurring tasks. Get THE COMPLETE BOOM TOOLS now, including all our software & sound design plug-ins at a reduced bundle price.


Dynamic Rain Generator

Easily generate realistic and relevant rain audio scenes from torrential city downpours to vibrant wetland trickles and everything in between.


Advanced Stereo Tool

STEREOLAB is an all-in-one stereo-mono plug-in that is a must-have on every FX chain to seize control over your stereo imaging.


Loudness Jackhammer

With just one knob, UBERLOUD pushes your sound to a greater perceived loudness. UBERLOUD will maximize your sound with minimal effort.


Multi-Modular FX Processor

ENRAGE is a highly addictive multi-modular FX processing tool that opens up unlimited possibilities in how you tweak and process your sounds. Sound design plugins have never been so complex yet so simple.


Advanced Sub-Sweetener

A bass plug-in that adds irresistible punch, powerful body and a rigorous low-end bass impulse to your samples. A scalpel for punch with unmatched precision.


Rise & Fall Generator

Risers, build-ups, breaks, downlifters, swells, sweeps, falls – it has never been so easy to hype your audience with a beat drop.


Advanced Sound Layering

SOUNDWEAVER helps you design new sounds from your existing sound library in less time and opens up a highly inspirational sound design workflow.


Dynamic Engine Recreator

A revolutionary sound design plug-in that gives you access to authentic virtual engines based on their real-world counterparts.


True Stereo Centering

RECENTER automatically repairs off-center stereo recordings while keeping the original stereo width. An invaluable time-saver and a perfect tool for professional post-production.


Automated Bird Noise Removal

DEBIRD automatically recognizes bird noises in your recordings and removes them with surgical precision.


Dynamic Vehicle Tyre & Chassis Sound Design

Designing vehicle sounds for motion pictures? Finished with the roar of the engine? Let’s tackle the other 50%: burning rubber. With this sound design plugin, create all the tyre, wheel and chassis interactions you’ll ever need.

Boom Library Boom Tools Complete Free Download


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